Board of Directors
Margaret Bramley
Mark Ferrari
Mark Henderson
Rev. Frederick M. Enman, S.J.
Founder and Executive Director
Seth Roman
Jonathan Mora
Jared Madison
Paul Mullaney

Matthew 25’s work would not be possible without the support and generosity of our partners.
Matthew 25’s Partners include:
Worcester Technical High School
The City of Worcester
Greater Worcester Community Foundation
The Fletcher Foundation
Stoddard Charitable Trust
The Fuller Foundation
George Alden Trust
Foisy Foundation
Grafton Job Corps
Worcester Community Housing Resources
Worcester YouthBuild
Realtor Association of Central Massachusetts
Student and alumni volunteers from Boston College, College of the Holy Cross, Assumption University, St. John’s High School, and other area schools
Volunteers from St. Mary’s Parish of Holden and First Congregational Church of Holden
- McCullough and Associates
- Bay State Savings Bank
- Ignatian Volunteer Corps
- Our generous donors
Our Newest Property

Matthew 25’s current building project in the Main South area of Worcester will provide housing for four families.